Reasons Why.
1. Most of them only care about whats the best most awesome animation or song on this site, they care nothing about the artist that has been working and working and submitted some of my stuff which isnt great but its still really good. I mean come on broaden horizons!
2. Fucking Review you bastards! We dont submitted our work here just so it sits in fucking cyberspace for nothing. if you watch it i would like to know what you think, what i did wrong, what i did right, what you liked, blah blah. PLUS people vote 0 and dont even fucking review why.
3. NOW we come to voting 0 on shit just because its not as good as some of the top artists on this site! they fucking look at it for 30 seconds not even finishing the video and they just close and vote 0. its bull shit. WATCH or LISTEN to the whole damned thing ok?
So Basicly get you head out of you asses! Please!
ANYWAY! doing this would make the newgrounds community a better place, it may even reduce the amount of spam we get.
so yea IF you read this thanks for listening to me blow of some steam.
Cock jokes are dicks too.